starting over — EaglePoint Visual Studio

The Journal

starting over

Time for a new start,
I decided to change the way I see photography, to start from a blank page.

Nowadays photography starts to be leftover and after being uniformized by the tools it used to be shared on. You create images/videos for the purpose of social media and no longer according to your own vision. The social media or the app determines the format and the content, a 30-sec video with a good hook about something trending for example.

I do want to create content with the journal in mind, to document my journey, my inspirations, and my personal growth. I want to use words, images, and films. I want to do so in my own space. The journal is a way to go beyond the limitations of the app. Even though I’ll still use social media apps to “be social”, It will remain a tool.

So here is my blank page.

Arnaud Van Balberghe